Flickr photos on paper?

May 30th, 2007

The flickr photos were meant to provide a resource for use in blogs, on Web pages, and as PowerPoint backgrounds, they are not meant for paper reproduction especially.

I’ve just been asked via the comments (now back on moderation thanks to those nice people in Romania) about printing onto paper.

As Flickr is a resourced published to the Web, you can do what you like with the images, but I would personally suggest

  • Keep the size down to about A4 max – the photos are all lowish resolution by today’s standards
  • Use glossy surface (i.e. ordinary prints) as opposed to  canvas effects that destroy detail
  • Use how you like but if you modify the photos significantly, they become a new work and I don’t want attribution!
A4 (roughly 12 by 8 inches) seems about the maximum enlargement that the 2000 pixel wide images can take. If my pictures on flickr are about anything, they are about detail and complexity in the built environment. Fuzzy over enlargements or ‘fancy’ surfaces work against the images.

Some links about photographs and styles…

Who are you?

May 27th, 2007

UK readers of this blog as mapped by Google Analytics

Follow this link and leave a comment if you read this blog! Just wondering who you all are and why you came here.

Bridget theme

May 27th, 2007

bridget theme

The bridget theme will return when I have solved an annoying compatibility problem. Until then, I am falling back on the simple and clean White as Milk theme by Azeem Azeez.

Note added Monday 28th Actually, I’m trying out a modified version of John Pozadzides’ Rapid Access theme, which turns out to be broken on MS Internet Explorer at widths below about 1280px!

So I’m back to the Minimalist-Fever theme, a theme that works well on MSIE and provides a fully ‘liquid’ layout. I’ll have bridget fixed in a bit.

Modifying Oddmuse

May 24th, 2007

Oddmuse is a wiki script written in perl. It is based on the Usemod wiki script, but can produce valid xhtml. Oddmuse does not need a database, page data is stored in text files.

To get a wiki running on a Web server that runs Apache (1.2 upwards) and that can run perl cgi scripts, you just need to

  • specify the path to the data folder
  • set the configuration variables to reflect how you want the wiki to work
  • upload the script to the cgi-bin of your Web server
  • create the data folder and set permissions appropriately (755 for the script and 777 for the data folder).

There are specific instructions for Windows XP, Mac OS X and a Gnu/Linux system. There is also some information on the configuration settings.

Oddmuse offers some ‘advanced’ facilities including,

  • File upload, you create a page to hold the file, and then edit that page. In the editor box, the phrase ‘replace this text with a file’ appears. Follow that link and browse for your file and click the upload button. The page now contains only a link to the file. Any text has been overwritten by the file link
  • Rollback, if the wiki is set so that anyone can edit the pages, then if the user sets a user name, then that user can roll back a page to a previous version – that results in later versions being lost
I wanted a wiki for a staff development project that would
  • Allow any visitor to edit
  • Allow only some people to upload files and ‘roll back’ pages to earlier states
  • Forget about users once the browser has been closed – the wiki will be used on shared computers during an event
I set $EditAllowed variable to 1 (true), and I set the $AdminPass = ‘a_password’. I left the $UploadAllowed variable at its default setting of 0 (false). These settings mean that anyone can edit, but only those who know the admin password can upload files.


Unfortunately, any visitor who sets a ‘username’ by typing their username into the box on the editing page can then rollback the history of pages. The implicated code is on line 1917 in the subDoHistory function.
my $rollback = UserCanEdit($id, 0) &&
(GetParam('username', '') or UserIsEditor());
The logic is as follows: Rollback if users can edit AND (user has set a user name OR user is the editor) I changed the logic to
my $rollback = UserCanEdit($id, 0) && UserIsAdmin();
or, in English, Rollback if users can edit AND user is an admin. That will stop users accidentally rolling back a full page to the first edit. Those with the admin password can roll pages back in the case of a complete foo-bar due to layout codes or the ‘she who saves last wins’ issue.

Cookie expiry

Oddmuse sets a cookie, and the default script has a cookie expiry set to 2 years after last use. If someone typed the admin password on a Web browser in a drop-in IT room, that machine would have all rights until the cookies were next deleted. The code is on line 2205 in the subCookie function…
sub Cookie {
  my ($changed, $visible, %params) = CookieData();
  # params are URL encoded
  if ($changed) {
    my $cookie = join(UrlEncode($FS), %params);
# no CTL in field values
    my $result = $q->cookie(-name=>$CookieName,
    $Message .= $q->p(T('Cookie: ') . $CookieName . ', '
    . join(', ', map {$_ . '=' . $params{$_}}
keys(%params))) if $visible;
    return $result;
  return '';
I changed line 2205 to read

i.e. I set no expiry so the cookie will expire after the current session, when the user quits the browser. Some Web pages about cookies suggest setting a cookie expiry in the past. In that case, MS Internet Explorer expires the cookie as soon as the cookie is created. I must admit that behavior does strike me as more logical than the Netscape response of expiring the cookie after the browser closes.

Oddmuse is written in a well structured way and I was able to work out which functions contained the code I needed to change. I could also be confident that changing the subDoHistory function would not change (say) the alignment of lists, or the handling of images. I was able to customise this lightweight server application for my needs in about an hour.

Everything is Miscellaneous

May 20th, 2007

David Weinberger’s 49 minutes on his new book, with some questions.

  • We develop ideas about things through ‘prototypes’ that we refine; a sparrow is perhaps a better example of a bird than a penguin is, but both fit the prototype ‘bird’
  • Digital objects can be in more than one category, a certain thing could have several prototypes. E.g. is published using a blog script, but comments are not used much – is this a blog or something else?
  • Folksonomies can create meaning by the tagging of things
  • Dewey was slightly odd!

I’ll probably end up buying the book. Thanks to Seb Schmoller via his fortnightly mailing list page for the link – and an hour thinking about how we classify things. Is Seb’s page a blog with a fixed frequency of posting or the Web archive of a mailing list? Can it be both? Note added 28th May Seb claims that “the mailing is an emailed archive of a set of blog posts”! The point being the same thing can be classified in different ways.

My GCSE Topic Map is a ‘folksonomy’ of maths topics produced by a teacher with an instructional agenda – other Maths teachers might produce similar topic maps (perhaps with larger chunks if they are thinking of lessons rather than screencasts). If I were to provide up a tagging system for the topics on the eventual Web site, how would my students tag things? Would their tag clouds help me teach better?

Bespoke HotPotatoes

May 15th, 2007

screen grab of skills for life blog

As might be guessed I wrote them for a particular student who is struggling with remembering the names of muscles and arteries. I try all sorts of things, especially mnemonics, so I am trying Hot Potatoes quizzes with her to see if it works. She enjoys doing them, but she hasn’t learned the words yet. If I have them on the web, I am acting in accordance with the software licence and will have them there the next time I need them. They may be useful for someone else. I get this quite a lot with students I support, where they are asked to remember wonderful, impossible names for a level 2 NVQ; another example is where Horticulture students have to learn the Latin names of plants. I did Latin so the names of these muscles mean a little bit to me. They don’t mean much to my Somali student. Chris Jackson, Skills for Life Blog., emphasis added by kpb

Thanks, Chris, they are useful, and thank you for your generosity and the HotPotatoes team for their brilliant licence.

The Skills for Life blog is one of a small number that document tricks, dodges and resources used by working teachers in FE. If one person from each Programme Area in each College ran a blog and posted one resource each month, we would have 5000+ new resources over 12 programme areas each year. What a resource for new teachers!

Equations slideshow

May 15th, 2007

The slideshare deck above is designed to remind students about a lesson on linear equations. This is a change from YouTube, the slideshow has no sound track so there are comments added to the slides at various points. I have included this post under the heading of ‘podcast’ as I’m intending to contrast the slideshare version with a YouTube style screencast – the same slides minus the text and plus an audio sound track. The gain is two channel input and control over the timing of the screens. The loss might be the student’s choice of when to ‘turn the page’.

You can download the PowerPoint file for this slide deck if you want to have it in editable form, either from this page or from the SlideShare page.

This topic is quite an easy one in the GCSE Maths syllabus, more confident students might want to try harder questions, and the CIMT Mathematics Enhancement Programme has a nice 11 page handout with plenty of challenging questions. I’m working on a multiple choice quiz for less confident students with graded examples.