Probability questions

November 23rd, 2006

tree diagram from the probability quick quiz answers

Download a five question probability quick quiz with answers on page 2 [250Kb PDF file].

  • Basic die rolling question
  • Independent events question
  • A balls in a bag question
  • Possibility space diagram – rolling two dice and multiplying the score. Probability of prime number and probability of square number
  • Tree diagram based on a without replacement question

This quick quiz should take about 15 minutes and the beginning of a lesson. It consolidates the probability lesson – part one of which is available as a screen cast.

Planning summary

November 21st, 2006

The YouTube video above was produced by ‘screencamming’ a PowerPoint presentation I will use anyway (I tend to use these PowerPoints as a time planning tool – they usually have at most 15 screens in them). It took about half an hour to produce, upload and embed on the course page. Can we please have an education-oriented YouTube sometime soon?

Your name on toast

November 21st, 2006

Your name on toast - the top part of the page as of Nov 21st

I give to charity on a sporadic basis – I know it is more tax efficient to use one of the wage deduction schemes now operating in the UK as the charities can claim the tax that I would have paid on the donation – but this slightly off the wall scheme was too good to miss. The Your Name on Toast page was mentioned by Seth Godin, and it illustrates the importance of putting information ‘above the fold’ on a Web page. Around 27 rounds of toast will be above the fold on the 70% or so of screens that are set to 1024 by 768 pixels, possibly more rounds for the wider screens. The ‘lifetime’ of my round of toast (when it appears) will be determined by the speed at which others decide to make donations.

Maximising the ‘lifetime’ or visability above the fold of posts is the reason I am using a hacked version of the Minimalist Fever theme for this blog. By listing just the title and excerpt of each post in a fluid layout, posts remain above the fold for an average of two weeks (1024 pixel wide screen) compared to a couple of days for the Kubrick theme showing the whole post.

The your name on toast page - the early contributors who are below the fold as the cost of higher positions increases

Tree diagram script

November 19th, 2006

Probability part 2: Tree diagrams

Suppose you have a bag with five red balls and three white balls. You decide to pick two balls from the bag but when you have picked the first ball, you note its colour and replace the ball in the bag for the second pick.

The question might be asked “what is the probability of picking one ball of each colour. but we don’t mind which order the balls are chosen”. You can work out the answer to this question as follows: We have two possible ways of having one ball of each colour: red first then white and white first then red. These outcomes are mutually exclusive in the sense that if you choose your first ball and find the ball to be white, you have excluded the possibility of the red then white outcome, and vice versa. As the two outcomes, red then white and white then red are mutually exclusive, we can add the probabilities of each outcome to find the probability of one ball of each colour.

To calculate the probability of the red AND white outcome, we multiply the probability of red first then white second, treating the choices as independent, giving five eighths times three eighths, or fifteen sixty fourths. Note that the probability of drawing a white ball on the second pick remains three eighths as we have replaced the red ball, more on this later. The probability of white first then red ball second is three eighths multiplied by five eighths for a total of fifteen sixty fourths. Adding the two outcomes gives thirty sixty-fourths or fifteen thirty-seconds as the probability of picking one ball of each colour.

There is a diagram that can show the various outcomes visually and make it easier to pick the outcomes that satisfy a certain condition – the tree diagram. There is always a tree-diagram question on the Data handling paper so this is a useful diagram to learn.

The tree diagram allows you to draw a picture of the whole history of the two picks we are performing. The first pick is symbolised by a branch – notice how the probabilities on each branch always add up to one in the sense that something has to happen. The outcomes of the first branch, symbolised by R for a red ball and W for a white ball each ‘bud’ a new branch for the second pick. From the R outcome, we have a branch leading to a second R and to a W outcome. The probabilities on this branch are the same as the first branch as we are replacing the ball after the first pick. There is also a branch budding from the W outcome on the first branch, and again the probabilities are the same.

We now have a tree that tells the history of the two picks – we can work out the probability of any of the four possible outcomes, namely RR, RW, WR and WW. The rule is to multiply along the route to each desired outcome. The probability of RR is seen to be five eighths multiplied by five eighths, or twenty five sixty-fourths. The other probabilities follow in the same way as fifteen sixty-fourths, fifteen sixty-fourths and nine sixty-fourths. Note that the four outcomes have probabilities that add to one as must be the case.

Each of these paths is mutually exclusive in the sense that they are different paths through the diagram, and we can add the probabilities of different paths.

The rules of a tree diagram can be summarised as follows: the probabilities on the twigs of any particular branch add to one, the probability of a given path through the tree is given by multiplying the probabilities along the path, and different paths are mutually exclusive so their probabilities can be added.

Now suppose we repeated the trial above with two picks of the five red and three white balls, but on this occasion we do not replace the first ball. Our new tree diagram has exactly the same shape as the previous one, and the first branch is identical. But now, the second branch budding from the R outcome will have probabilities of four sevenths for a second red ball R and three sevenths for a white ball W. In the same way, the second branch budding from the W outcome will have the probability of five sevenths for the R outcome, and two sevenths for the W outcome. We can still regard the second pick as ‘independent’ of the first pick because each of the seven balls left in the bag has an equal chance of being picked – the choice of, say, a red ball on the first pick simply reduces the number of red balls available for the second pick, the red ball left out of the bag is not influencing the probabilities on the second pick in any way.

The new probabilities for each path through the tree diagram for this ‘without replacement’ problem can be calculated by multiplying along the path, and the probability of ‘one ball of each colour’ is now given by adding fifteen fifty-sixths for the RW path to fifteen fifty-sixths for the WR path, giving thirty fifty-sixths or fifteen twenty-eighths. This is a slightly higher probability than for the ‘with replacement’ version of the problem, which makes sense as it is less likely that you will pick two reds in a row or two whites in a row in the without replacement game.

Here is a problem for you: Suppose you have nine blue balls and seven green balls. If you pick a ball, keep it out of the bag and then pick a second ball, what is the probability of having chosen at least one green ball at the end of the game?

At least one implies that the outcomes green, blue and blue green and green green are consistent with the condition. There is a shortcut to finding the answer….


Draw the tree and add the probabilities
Remember that the probabilities in any branch add to one
The probability of any given path through the tree is given by multiplying the probabilities along the path
The probabilities of each path are mutually exclusive and can be added

Your turn

Ex 3 Unit 37

The end

Probability screencast

November 19th, 2006

This YouTube screencast runs through some basic ideas in probability for a GCSE Intermediate group.

  • The probability scale
  • Expected frequency
  • Bags of balls
  • Mutually exclusive events
  • Possibility space diagrams
  • Independent events

Each section has a white on black screen so students can find a section to review using the scroll control. The screencast was produced by ‘screencaming’ a PowerPoint that I used in a lesson. The PowerPoint was ‘presented’ in view mode and I added my commentary using a microphone. The iShowU screen cam software for Mac OS X detects the microphone and allows you to record the sound track directly. As you can tell if you listen, the commentary was unscripted (ahem) and the PowerPoint was essentially the same as used in the lesson, except I used screen grabs of the MS Excel simulation – I use that ‘live’ on the projector when teaching f2f in a whole group situation.

You can download the MS Excel spreadsheet with two probability simulations. The first worksheet has a table showing the result of tossing 100 coins (press F9 for a new toss). The second worksheet shows the number of heads in of 100 trials each of 30 coin tosses as a line chart.

These screencasts are relatively quick to produce and might help students revise or catch up. I have mentioned the iShowU software from Shiny White Box in a previous post. I also mentioned the Video2SWF software that allows you to produce Flash movies that are not hosted by YouTube as well.


November 17th, 2006

scanned image of a wooden tables toy

Never too late to learn them, and they will save you shedloads of stress.

Delete key on iBook

November 12th, 2006

There is no key with the legend Delete on the iBook keyboard. This is important if you want to delete tunes from iTunes 7.X, dragging to the trash is no longer an option.

Option-Backspace is the shortcut for the delete key. I’ve just been burning audio CDs of podcasts.