Archive for 2009

Mobile Broadband Coverage

Monday, July 13th, 2009

OFCOM have published comparative maps of mobile broadband coverage (Jan 2009) showing various providers for the UK.

t-mobile 3G above…

3G coverage.

No brainer, if you live in Scotland, you need a wired connection. What surprised me was the fractal holes in the Birmingham conurbation area on t-mobile (my current web’n’walk modem) and the contrast with 3G, the [...]

Copyright free images

Sunday, July 12th, 2009

Image*After and MorgueFile are Web resources where you can find and download high resolution photos for use in PowerPoint presentations or Web pages. MorgueFile’s name comes from the archives kept by newspapers and the Police of old photographs. You can used the ‘advanced’ search page in Flickr and specify only images with a Creative Commons [...]

It doesn’t matter

Sunday, July 12th, 2009

“... why am I completely incapable of putting non-verbal marks on a page so they do the same? What neural channels are so blocked that my ducks don’t just look wonky, they look like scribbles? Why does eye-mind-hand work about as well in me as I contemplate a teacup or imagine a tree, as it [...]

Is Google making us Stupid or Smarter?

Saturday, July 11th, 2009

Two articles from The Atlantic

Is Google Making Us Stupid by Nicholas CarrGet Smarter by Jamais Cascio

Both reference Proust and the Squid by Maryanne Wolf.

Chrome OS and toasters

Thursday, July 9th, 2009

Computers should be like toasters, they should just work for years and then when they stop working, you should be able to pop out and buy a new one. Toasters don’t need backups, and a major cause of problems with computers is loosing data (which may include family pictures and purchased music as well as [...]