Archive for 2006

Triangle in a triangle problem

Friday, May 19th, 2006

Why do some students find this problem so hard?

100 square feet

Wednesday, May 17th, 2006

Imagine living in a flat that was 100 square feet in size. Communal toilets and showers I suppose, but what about the cooking? They seem to have flasks but no stoves so perhaps there is a communal kitchen. No sign of ‘a room of one’s own’ here.

Michael Wolf is showing us part of the living [...]

Flash Journalism!

Tuesday, May 16th, 2006

Not tabloid hacks with fast habits but a book about how to use Macromedia Flash to make Web based news stories. One included exercise is about synchronising sound with image transitions: flash lessons here we come…

Tuesday Whiteboard: reflections and edges

Tuesday, May 16th, 2006

We were looking at finding a value for the intercept of a straight line graph when the scale of the graph made it difficult to have an X axis that started at zero – we were setting up and solving a simple equation within a context.

This second whiteboard processed using ScanR was taken in [...]

Monday Whiteboard

Monday, May 15th, 2006

The photo above shows one of today’s whiteboards as imaged using my Olympus Camedia point and shoot – the images are 1600 by 1200 pixels. I resized the image above using Photoshop Elements with bi-cubic resampling. No other adjustments have been made, the flat image is typical of this camera. A quick e-mail to [...]