Archive for 2006 ordinary whiteboard to web

Sunday, May 14th, 2006

Scanr is a Web service that claims to “convert photos of whiteboards and documents into searchable PDF files”. The ‘searchable’ bit applies to pictures of documents with typed text (see later). The service certainly makes converting fuzzy badly lit images of (ordinary) whiteboards more readable. The ‘whiteboard’ function can also be used to convert [...]

The one page Web site

Sunday, May 14th, 2006

There is an interesting discussion about one page Web sites on the Signals vs Noise blog published by the Web programming company 37 Signals. I especially chimed with the comment by Geoff Harris

“I agree with Wilson’s comments about distilling information down to the most basic requirements and leaving as is.

Doing so is a fantastic exercise [...]

Moodle on a stick

Wednesday, May 10th, 2006

Moodle 1.53 and 1.6 can be ‘installed’ on a USB stick. Just make sure the drive letter assigned to the stick stays the same on each machine

Pictures for PowerPoints

Monday, May 8th, 2006

Yotophoto is a search engine for copyright free or free use images

Fazeley Street

Friday, May 5th, 2006

More photos of the street