Fazeley St

June 7th, 2005

Bust CD Fazeley St

Canal from bridge looking north

Mustard colour 1960s factory block

Off the back of a...

Wallasey Photos

June 6th, 2005

Ferry safety notice - ignore it and you get a drawbridge on your head when we disembark

Building in Seacombe

Back deck on the Mersey Ferry

Liverpool photies

June 5th, 2005

Stone angel in Wallasey grave yard

Inside Liverpool bus station

Mersey ferry looking up - I love the blue and white

Mark Shuttleworth, modems and windows

June 4th, 2005

XFCE4 Window Manager settings dialog box showing the advanced tab

Mark Shuttleworth interview with Slashdot explains the dot com millionaire’s approach to making Open Source software work for Africa and pay.

Ubuntu update: The 5.04 Hoary install on this little laptop needs to have the modem drivers compiled.

  • wiki page for Lucent Winmodems
  • I used the Warty instructions after having tried the Hoary procedure first
  • I suspect this might be to do with the kernel packages in use on this install is “Linux ubuntu 2.6.10-5-386” instead of “686” in the example shown on the wiki page
  • I’m into XFCE4 as the desktop environment – can be made to look fast and snappy on this 700 MHz machine. Just make sure you untick the ‘move window contents’ items in Window Manager Settings

Linux modem

June 3rd, 2005

Firefox in Ubuntu showing Web site

  • Modem working in Ubuntu Linux
  • The Lucent Winmodem drivers may already be part of Ubuntu Hoary
  • You have to set up a connection using System | Administration | Networking
  • You may have to set up details in pppconfig (a terminal application) as well
  • I’ll be doing a re-install to see what works as I have lost track of all the various configurations I have tried!


June 2nd, 2005

Ubuntu CD player working along with Open Office and the GIMP

Ubuntu is running nicely on a small Dell L400 laptop (I like 12 inch screens). I’m now hacking through the Ubuntu forums working out how to get the Lucent Winmodem working. On second thoughts, a box with just OpenOffice and the GIMP might get me doing more handouts…

The Dell has a 700 MHz Pentium 3 processor and 256 Mb of RAM (maximum the board can take alas). I managed to resize the Windows ME partition (the laptop was supplied with a restore CD using Symantec Ghost) and the single Ubuntu installation CD-ROM used the remaining hard drive space for a Linux file system including a swap partition. The whole installation took about an hour.

300,000 Words

June 1st, 2005

“It seems like I wrote “Alertbox Five Years Retrospective” just yesterday, but another five years have passed. Since writing my first column in June 1995, I’ve published 247 columns comprising almost 300,000 words. That’s a lot of writing and a lot of content to give away on the Internet. Has it been worth the effort? “

Alertbox: Ten Years by Jakob Nielsen

Yup. Major resource. See also