Number: place value quiz

Download a JQZ file with 10 multiple choice questions about place value in whole numbers. You can also download a Web page with the Hot Potatoes quiz ready to use, with randomised question order and shuffled answer order. Feel free to save the Web page to your computer for local use.

Language raises its ugly head: In the quiz, the ‘value of the digit 5’ in the number (say 75 892) is taken as 5000. A question like ‘what is the hundreds digit in 12 759?’ has the answer 7, and one of the distractors is 700. A question like ‘how many tens are there in 197’ has the correct answer 19, and 9 is a distractor. You might want to alter the JQZ file to reflect the language you use in this topic. I’m prepared to admit that writing these questions caused me to think carefully about the words I was using.

Part of my 20 Minutes a Day e-learning project, although exporting, checking and uploading added a little longer.

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