Archive for 2006

Of hammers and singers

Tuesday, February 21st, 2006

“Until the 19th century, there was no concerted effort to standardize musical pitch and the levels across Europe varied widely. Even within one church, the pitch used could vary over time because of the way organs were tuned. Generally, the end of an organ pipe would be hammered inwards to a cone, or flared outwards [...]

Blog back in sub-directory

Sunday, February 19th, 2006

I have re-arranged the way works, and this wordpress blog is back in the subdirectory. I decided I wanted a static page upfront to allow for a wider range of non-blog content arriving over the summer.

All I have to do now is work out how to customise the 404 error messages incase my [...]

Bartleby reference

Saturday, February 18th, 2006

New link to useful resource


Friday, February 17th, 2006

Links to ‘rules’ and checklists for writing and revising the writing

Fruit fly results

Friday, February 17th, 2006

Gender differences in the mendelian ratio?