Archive for 2006

OpenOffice 2.0 on Mac

Thursday, March 2nd, 2006

OpenOffice is an Open Source office application produced with a large amount of support from Sun Microsystems. Because the application is open source, you can burn CDs and pass copies to students (or anyone!). Students have downloaded the package and used the Impress presentation component to produce presentations – laptops are often sold with [...]

Aperiodic tiling

Sunday, February 26th, 2006

I think I understand what labyrinth tiling might be, but I’ll need to check… It looks nice anyway, especially the labyrinth produced by just looking at the horizontal or vertical edges.

Calculating with large positive integers

Sunday, February 26th, 2006

The demonstration version of Reduce for Windows (scroll down page when it loads) – a computer algebra package – can be used to factorise large prime numbers (and polynomials!) as a way of demonstrating the properties of large numbers. Interactive sessions on a projector (the fonts are a bit small but there is no [...]

On an overgrown path

Saturday, February 25th, 2006

On an overgrown path is an example of a personal blog that a classical music fan updates daily. The blog is produced using Blogger and uses one of the built-in blogger templates – anyone can use these simple tools to publish a blog. The articles provoke thought and the comments are very illuminating and mostly [...]

Mac OS X exploit

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2006

Note added 6 March 2006 :: It looks as if security update 2006-001 addresses these two issues, at least as regards Safari and Mail. I picked this one up through software update some days ago.

Its hassle Apple week, with a ‘drive by download’ exploit appearing and being reported on the front page of the BBC [...]