Archive for 2005

Online map creator

Saturday, June 11th, 2005

The original Online Map Creator Web site provides an online interface to the GMT package
Planiglobe is the new simplified interface – faster but currently has few options

The original OMC has been around for years and will plot contours of ocean depth and continental height. You can pull the plots down as PS files or [...]

Steel bridge

Friday, June 10th, 2005

Kettles and HiFis

Thursday, June 9th, 2005

“Computers feel more like appliances than they used to in the days when we hand soldered memory chips onto the motherboard or fiddled with DIP switches. A little, but not much – but they’re cheaper and more disposable, and so there’s less concern about what’s really in the box.”Andrew Orlowski, The Osborne Effect Spooks Apple [...]

Recent History (Web security)

Thursday, June 9th, 2005

It all started in May of 2001. I began getting calls from companies I had tried selling security services to in the past but were never interested. Now they needed my help because something happened. It seemed like dozens of people had their websites defaced with the words: “fu*k USA Government, fu*k PoizonBOx.” It was [...]

Homework: explain Open Source

Wednesday, June 8th, 2005

“I dont really get all this open source malarkey. Do you know some where that spells it out S L O W L Y for us clueless folk!”

The homework was set by a student (who is not clueless at all by any means). Its my own fault for trying to interest people in using [...]