Archive for 2005

Wall with paint

Saturday, June 18th, 2005

Kodak chromagenic black and white film… has a cyan mask on the negatives so the photolab prints come out close to greyscale with a nice duotone look.

Wall on outhouse in a yard in Wallasey.

Maths Posters

Wednesday, June 15th, 2005

The Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences published a series of 12 monthly posters on tube trains in London during the year 2000. The posters are available at moderate resolution on the Web and can still be purchased as a set from The Mathematical Association’s online shop – a nice tie in.

The posters were designed [...]

Algebra practice

Tuesday, June 14th, 2005

By popular request… Remember that a multiplying mixed signs gives a negative answer and multiplying same signs gives a positive answer!

Multiply out the following

2(3x – 2) – 4(2x – 1)
2xy(x + y)
2(4x + 3) + 3(2x – 9)
4(x + y) – 2(x + 2y)
2x(x2 – y3)
2(5x – 4) – 3(2x + 7)
4(10x + 3y) – [...]

Climate change blog

Monday, June 13th, 2005

Real climate is a ‘commentary site on climate science by working climate scientists for the interested public and journalists.’

Nice to see scientists in a controversial area using the Web (and a blog to boot) to keep people informed. Plenty of backstory here.

I owe this interesting Web site to the current issue of Seb Schmoller’s [...]

Ubuntu modem drivers

Sunday, June 12th, 2005

The Ubuntu Forums page for Modems on L400
Source code for Lucent Winmodem used in Dell L400
You get a warning when compiling
The Wiki page routine for Ubuntu 5.04 misses out a step – adding a statement to the Grub configuration file. This second method didn’t work on my computer so I used the compile from code [...]