How SpamAssassin works

November 22nd, 2004

SpamAssassin is labelling some of my e-mail as spam. Often it gets it right, but sometimes it gets it wrong (e-mail from my own Web server forms is voted spam).

A rather old but useful article on how SpamAssassin does the sums gives basic information on the multiple rule scoring approach. The gory details are on the SpamAssassin Web site.

Nursing numeracy support material

November 21st, 2004

Numeracy support material for nursing is based on a numeracy course in the department of Health Studies at York University.

There is a lot of useful vocational context here and some nice examples, alas hampered by dated Web design (frames based site, flash animations used to convey material, assumptions made about screen size and so on).

The Nursing Standard’s approach is to publish two side Quick Guides in PDF format for various topics of interest to nurses. The first two quick guides concern drug calculations. Amazing how much you can get on two sides of A4 when you need to.

Study skills for science students

November 21st, 2004

Martin Greenhow’s Study Skills Online page has a lot of information for science oriented students following Undergraduate degrees. You can download the lot as a Word 6 file but the resulting 34 pages of dense text is a little daunting. Better to link into a page now and again from the online version.

Martin has a javascript system for changing the font and background colours on his page that looks quite interesting. That feature together with the use of Inspiration like diagrams inthe Word document suggest an awareness of the needs of dyslexic and dispraxic students at University.

From College to University

November 21st, 2004

The mathscentre Web site has a growing collection of resources in a variety of formats – short leaflets on key numeracy skills (all of fractions on two sides) to longer packs of materials.

The student portal maps leaflets and revision books by vocational subject but often the leaflets are generic. The Web site does not appear to be fully populated yet with some sections having only a single resource – hopefully this resource will grow over time.

The Numeracy Refresher Booklet is in Word format and many of the more mathematical worksheets are PDFs generated from LaTeX or TeX. The latter are more useful for engineers and science students who need more maths beyond GCSE.

Algebra book online

November 21st, 2004

James Brennan is providing his Understanding Algebra book free for online access. This algebra text is geared to US educational requirements and styles but there is a lot here that Access students doing science modules could use.

The book is pure exposition of the basics – few worked examples and no problem sets. I found it interesting to compare some explanations of concepts such as quadratic factorisation with my own standard explanations…

Fax your MP

November 21st, 2004

Fax your MP is a simple service that does what it says. You can fax your MP from a computer connected to the Internet. You just

  • type in your postcode
  • the database comes back with a page about your MP and links to recent votes and speeches
  • you can then type in a fax (or e-mail if the MP has stated a preference for e-mail as mine has)

Nice example of the way ILT can support accessible open government. I found out about this service from Seb Schmoller’s mailing list – a good source of resources.

Disinfecting a Windows PC

November 13th, 2004

A useful article from The Register explaines what to do if your Windows PC gets infected by a virus. The article also mentions a number of free virus checkers and firewalls. I currently use AVG on the reconditioned Windows laptop – looks like time for Avast and Zone Alarm.