Archive for 2009

Old computers

Monday, May 4th, 2009

Linux allows you to use old hardware with a current, relatively secure operating system and the usual applications. I’ve put Ubuntu 9.04 on the Linux partition of my old Dell laptop mainly because of the Network Manager that has appeared in Ubuntu since 8.10. Networking Just Works with a range of WiFi cards and, [...]

Questions on areas and circles

Thursday, April 30th, 2009

Download a single sided worksheet with 14 mixed area and circle questions with numerical answers.

Nothing amazing, just some practice questions for Level 2 Access Maths students. Covers areas of rectangles, triangles and composite shapes, together with circumference of a circle, and area of a circle. The worksheet also has a couple of those problems like [...]

Adding Fractions: ‘traditional’ presentation

Thursday, April 30th, 2009

Adding Fractions: traditional approachView more presentations from keithpeter.

The slideshare presentation above is my attempt at explaining how to add fractions to a group of students taking the Level 1 Adult Numeracy Certificate. This particular group is aiming at joining an Access to Higher Education course next year, and so I’m using a more ‘academic’ style [...]

Google Brain

Tuesday, April 28th, 2009

“Apart from Bowman, I can think of only two Google employees I could stand to be around for longer than an elevator ride. ” Joe Clark

Superb rant from Joe Clark, via daringfireball. I want to read that Susan Pinker book. I think I may have ‘male brain’ tendencies, but I know two people who box [...]

MoleTV test: tree diagrams

Monday, April 27th, 2009

Uploaded the screencast about tree diagrams to MoleTV as a test of their system and embedding. I just uploaded the original .mov file I made using iShowU on my iBook. I’ll try a .mov converted from an .ogg file recorded on Ubuntu later, shame there is no direct support for .ogg files. MoleTV converts to [...]