Archive for 2006

Birmingham centre photos

Saturday, September 30th, 2006

28mm and around town. Just a few views taken with a film camera over the last week. I’m really getting back into the 28mm focal length on 35mm film.

Reading aloud

Wednesday, September 27th, 2006

Texts between 200 and 300 words long from a mix of sources for practice at reading aloud. A mix of journalistic and ‘formal’ sources should provoke debate about writing for speaking.

Beginner’s mind

Monday, September 25th, 2006

Seth has hit it on the nail again: for new students the college has just started… This is going to get printed in 24pt and put on the notice board. It means we can’t make assumptions about what adult students know about the educational process. It also means that I have to explain the learning process. Otherwise they fall back on the last model they had – and that didn’t work too well, otherwise adult students would not be taking level 2 qualifications.

Prime factors

Sunday, September 24th, 2006

More audio learning: five minutes on prime numbers and finding prime factors. Students need something to write on and with unless they have excellent short term memory!

Market maths

Saturday, September 23rd, 2006

If 5 kilos of potatoes cost £2.60, how much will 7 kilos cost? These are simple everyday problems but spending a little time on them lays the foundation for percentages and ratios nicely. This podcast works through some easy examples.