Archive for 2006

Leverage fractions

Saturday, October 14th, 2006

By spending extra lesson time on fractions – front loading in the jargon – I can save time on percentages and ratios. This kind of teaching needs trust from students; as I teach adults, I’m upfront about what I am doing.

Press Gang

Monday, October 9th, 2006

Press Gang is a 300,000 word history of national newspapers in the UK from 1945, with a bias towards the London newspapers. Roy Greenslade has written a brick of a book coming in around 300,000 words. The Birmingham Rep is producing Pravda by Howard Brenton and David Hare and we have tickets for this Friday.

Shop signs

Sunday, October 8th, 2006

The shop signs in the Stratford road show recent changes in ownership, and advertise the new approaches to retail provided by the Internet.

Flash fractions

Thursday, October 5th, 2006

Very handy web site has flash animations of basic fractions processes complete with fla files for further customisation.

Fractions, tables

Tuesday, October 3rd, 2006

‘Spot the common factors’ approach works well for equivalent fractions puzzles. The kind of puzzle with unknowns on the bottom provokes thought!