Archive for 2009

Blogs, Twitter and wikis

Monday, June 8th, 2009

Just a few sentences on each. A draft of some staff training material.

Browser specific sites

Saturday, June 6th, 2009

FunnelBrain looked fun when I saw it on Jane’s E-learning Pick of the Day.

Alas, the site only works with MSIE 7+ and Firefox 3+. That cuts out Apple users, which is getting on for 20% of the 19-25 market in the US, and about one in 10 here. It also means we can’t use the [...]

Gaussian distribution

Sunday, May 31st, 2009

Ruth’s been clearing out and found an old 10 Mark note. I could not resist scanning the detail with the Normal distribution on the front face next to the portrait of Gauss.

Graph questions for revision

Wednesday, May 27th, 2009

Download a PDF file containing a four page worksheet with graph plotting questions.

Trigonometry question on reader survey

Saturday, May 23rd, 2009

A tale of two solutions.