Archive for 2006

WordPress export

Saturday, March 18th, 2006

Use a special theme to export posts!

GCSE Mind Map

Tuesday, March 14th, 2006

Put the whole of GCSE Maths where you can see it

Migraine and hole in heart

Monday, March 13th, 2006

According to the BBC News quoting research by doctors in London and Shrewsbury, there may be a link between migraine with aura and a hole in the heart. Their figures (quoted from the BBC article) are as follows…
“The latest study screened 432 migraine with aura patients, and found 24% had a moderate [or] large PFO [...]

Central England Temperature series

Monday, March 13th, 2006

Notice any trend? Upwards? Downwards? Part of a sine wave of longish period? Scribble an idea now, then compare with the full series.

The chart above (shown without axes on purpose) is a plot of the yearly mean temperature from 1800 to 2005 taken from the Central England Temperature series. The series extends from 1659, as [...]

When is a blog not a blog?

Monday, March 13th, 2006

Metropolitan Police officers have apparently received ‘guidance’ about blogging that includes the following phrase; “consider the impact of expressing views and opinions that…bring the organisation into disrepute”.

What is, exactly, a blog? Perhaps an online notebook where you list links, tips, ideas, common experience (like the blog you are now reading) or sometimes a place where [...]