Archive for 2005

Central Limit Theorem

Sunday, February 6th, 2005

” The distribution of an average tends to be Normal, even when the distribution from which the average is computed is decidedly non-Normal “.

“Thus, the Central Limit theorem is the foundation for many statistical procedures, including Quality Control Charts, because the distribution of the phenomenon under study does not have to be [...]

5 by 3

Saturday, January 29th, 2005

Take on the world with a stack of 5 by 3 index cards – one way to get Web sites sorted before clicking on the Dreamweaver icon when building a moderately complex Web site.

This page describes card sorting techniques to help plan Web sites. Ideally card sorting can help define content – not so much [...]

Normal distribution sample simulation

Saturday, January 15th, 2005

Histograms are meaningless for datasets smaller than about 500 items – you will be better off using a dotplot. I think that the ‘error bar’ for each bar of the histogram can be approximated by the square root of the frequency so that a bar with a frequency of 36 could have a standard deviation [...]

Blood spatter pattern analysis

Saturday, January 1st, 2005

The MathsWorks Project has a series of laboratory projects on different aspects of Maths in Biotechnology. One of the projects is about blood spatter pattern analysis and has a very usable practical using milk to calibrate the relationship between drop stain shape and angle of surface.

There is also a good treatment of the mathematical assumptions [...]