Archive for 2005

Lunar orbiter images

Wednesday, April 20th, 2005

xephem CD-Roms arrived from US today, about a week after I ordered the package.
The second disc makes the entire Lunar Orbiter photograph collection available to xephem
Click on a lunar disc (viewable up to x6 scale) and bring up the feature name
Apple-click to bring up a dialog box with information
Click a button in the information dialog [...]

Enchanted learning

Tuesday, April 19th, 2005

Enchanted Learning is a Web site with a large number of simple resources produced by a teacher(?). A colleague uses this Web site for quick lesson ideas when covering absence in the SLDD section, and she really appreciated the resources on offer. The site asked for a small donation to cover the costs of running [...]

Google bodmas

Tuesday, April 19th, 2005

The first few sites that come up when you google bodmas are

Clearly time for a well thought out information page on the mnemonic acronym with examples, history and a few games. Watch this space…

Children using the Web…

Monday, April 18th, 2005

The NFER has a long term project (started in 2002) tracking students’ experience of citizenship education. The most recent report is referenced as follows….CLEAVER, E., IRELAND, E., KERR, D. and LOPES, J. (2005). Citizenship Education Longitudinal Study: Second Cross-Sectional Survey 2004 Listening to Young People: Citizenship Education in England (DfES Research Report 626). London: DfES

The [...]

Flat world

Sunday, April 17th, 2005

“In his new book, The World is Flat: A Brief History of the 21st Century, Thomas Friedman suggests that because of the universal availability of communications and information processing sciences, the entire global community is now spanned by common technological skills and organizational methods.”

– Alan Miller

Translation If we are going to continue [...]