Archive for 2005

Geometry applet

Tuesday, April 26th, 2005

David E Joyce of the Clarke University has provided a set of Java classes that allow complex geometrical constructions too be built using parameters passed to a Java applet.

The Geometry Applet
Euclid’s elements with dynamic diagrams

The geometry applet looks as if it could be used to provide dynamic graphics to help students explore locii and circle [...]

Writing, Briefly

Monday, April 25th, 2005

Paul Graham’s essay on Writing, Briefly took just over an hour to write – and two thirds of that was spent re-writing. I learned about anaphora.

rLogo puzzle

Monday, April 25th, 2005

rLogo is a Java based implementation of the Logo programming language. I used a simple ‘starter’ in a recent Maths lesson where students had to learn about the exterior and interior angles of a polygon and learn to solve problems along the lines of ‘can a regular polygon have an interior angle of 125 degrees?’.

On [...]


Monday, April 25th, 2005

The Constellations

Sunday, April 24th, 2005

If you need to find out about a star constellation then Richard Dibbon-Smith’s Web site about The Constellations is what you need. The table is sorted alphabetically and includes all 88 constellations (personally, I would have grouped them by Northern and Southern hemisphere with a generous overlap but who is arguing?)

Richard sells a couple of [...]