Archive for 2005

Chenobyl by motorbike

Friday, May 13th, 2005

“On the Friday evening of April 25, 1986, the reactor crew at Chernobyl-4, prepared to run a test the next day to see how long the turbines would keep spinning and producing power if the electrical power supply went off line. This was a dangerous test, but it had been done before. As a part [...]

Web design interview

Thursday, May 12th, 2005

Zeldman has this link to a Web designer called Joe Clark. Ten Questions for Joe Clark is a thought provoking piece in the style of a pop mag interview. Should get Web design students at least thinking about the issues. Mr Clark links to Techniques for Accessible HTML Tables

And I definitely need a haircut – [...]

Chemistry Numeracy

Thursday, May 12th, 2005

I’m doing some numeracy sessions for HND Chemistry students. I needed lots of specific examples and exercises within the area of Chemistry.

Basics with an emphasis on converting from everyday to metric units – US origin. Good stuff on density. PDF file, part of a comprehensive set of lecture notes
Stuff on standard form part of a [...]

War photographs

Thursday, May 12th, 2005

Dmitri Baltermans was an ‘official’ Soviet photographer. His war photographs are bleak and direct. Mark Bernstein quotes Lilia Efimova about the media coverage of the war memorial on May 9th in Moscow.

Level 3 for adults?

Wednesday, May 11th, 2005

“And the irony is that level 3 is what employers are looking for,” she says. “If we are seriously trying to support our local community through economic regeneration, then we have to kit them out with the best qualifications – which, in London, is level 3 and upwards.”-Barbara Field, Principal of Harrow College, quoted in [...]