Archive for 2005

Decimal point kills baby?

Friday, May 20th, 2005

“The mistake made by the nurses was a mathematical miscalculation which in other working environments might not have been quite so catastrophic”

The quote is from the coroner in a case of a 15 day old baby given 10 times the prescribed dose of Digoxin to slow a fast heart rate and appears on the BBC [...]

Open Source Software in Schools

Friday, May 20th, 2005

The Becta report based on an ‘oportunity’ sample of schools using Open Source software to varying extents compared to schools using commercial software (i.e. Windows servers, desktops and Office) has now been published (publication was delayed during the General Election).

The BECTa press release has a good summary
The full BECTa report Open Source Software in Schools [...]

How Google works

Thursday, May 19th, 2005

A couple of sites with information on the Mother of all Search Engines

Ubuntu Linux

Wednesday, May 18th, 2005

The Ubuntu live cd runs fine on my iBook and lets me demonstrate an alternative operating system

Piles of paper

Tuesday, May 17th, 2005

Paper has a function and the paperless office isn’t going to happen. Looking at how people use paper might lead us to understand where IT solutions might work well.