Nuclear economics and respect

As a result of the Charles Kennedy hunt (I suppose hunting politicians in the media is less cruel than hunting foxes with dogs – now theoretically illegal in England and Wales) I have just visited Vincent Cable’s Web site. He has a blog of sorts, and a download area where you can get the Word files of articles he writes for various newspapers – usually in Word format (why not PDF, plain text, or RTF for heaven’s sake, but I suppose it is all about convenience).

One recent article concerns the economics of nuclear power – a subject that may become topical soon.

Contrast Cable’s thoughtful (if occasionally typo ridden) essay with George Galloway’s antics. Respect is something I was interested in, and our local candidate came within spitting distance of unseating our local MP - but displacing a popular and effective constituency MP with a showman is not going to help build the Party. Perhaps thinking about energy costs and demand in the future might.

End of rant. Back to Maths soon.

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